Sport Climbing ACT

Overview of Sport Climbing ACT


A Sport Climbing community for all climbers in the ACT and surrounds


A Volunteer run organisation

All Ages and Abilities

Supports competitive sports climbers of all ages and abilities

Our Mission

Building Connections

Build a connected climbing community, where we have the opportunity to learn and support each other.

Encompass All

Encompass all ages and abilities from young children right through to masters, paraclimbers. Experts and beginners alike.

Create Opportunities

Create Opportunities for climbers to expand their experience and prepare for competition from an introductory level through to international standard

Sport Climbing

Sport Climbing encompasses three disciplines:

Lead Climbing

Involves ascending a route while clipping into fixed protection points, with the rope belayed from below.

Climbers compete to see who can clime


Short routes without ropes, typically close to the ground, with thick mats for protection.

Climbers compete to see who can reach the top.

Speed Climbing

Race up a standardized route on a wall as fast as possible. Aiming to achieve the quickest time.

© 2024 Sports Climbing ACT